This is what made me get into crypto 5 years ago to begin with. I’ve experienced 3 big slaps in the face in my life not taking the chance when I easily could.
21 years ago I was in a business school for programming. I was On my way to barnes and noble to pick up a C++ book when I heard on the radio Barnes and Noble stock flash crashing to a $1 from about $25-$30.
I felt something wasn’t right about that because the chain was still fairly new, and it was always packed. So many books and magazine sales. They where also building more. I was about to drop $3500. My friend’s father hooked me up with a broker to call. I called and found out I needed a bank account so I did a bunch of scrambling but when push came to shove I backed out. I convinced myself buying a new laptop,some nice clothes, and the new bass system I wanted for my car was money better spent instead of a risk.
I literally backed out at the last moment after a tedious process.
Well one month later or so, it was back up to $20-$25.
I missed out on $60-$75,000
I think 🤔
Apple announces the iPhone and it was super popular. I knew it was gonna get bigger, and shares were still $1 lol I wanted to put about $2K down. Did the same thing again, got in touch with a Broker then backed out.
That was over 100x gain. That was Lambo.
Why did I back out? For temporary items when the ones I have are working just fine?
So when I met someone in 2016, I had that gut feeling again. And I didn’t care if I lost it I just didn’t want to miss another opportunity going against what I really feel
So I’m holding now and I’ve been in the green for a long time because I got in early.
It wasnt luck. It was motivation to make something happen. I’m just a regular guy that didn’t want to miss my chance so I took it.
submitted by /u/JuicySpark
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