So about 20 minutes ago, I got a “hey, did you fly to Germany overnight?” Unauthorized login email from pornhub. Checked it, sure enough someone logged in with my password. Don’t give two shits about someone watching porn on my account, so I immediately went to work on the rest.
I don’t share passwords with any accounts, but pornhub one was an oddly secure password that probably couldn’t be brute forced… I assumed breach.
Changed all my exchange passwords that were tied to the same email, and switched all their 2fa to my phone instead of email. That’s when I start getting login failure notices… Of course they hit the exchanges first.
After that I damage controlled financial institution accounts, and sure enough started seeing login failures on those. About 15 minutes after I got the pornhub notice (when serious damage would’ve already been done) I got a “possible breach” notification from capital one assistant.
I totally am usually asleep right now. Pornhub may have just saved me tens of thousands of dollars, and is apparently more reliable than all my financial institutions.
submitted by /u/ObscureOP
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