So i been having crypto since 2017, never told my family since then and its been easy since they never asked. But you can already guess what happened. Nowadays there are a lot of Bitcoin ads on tv, so you can guess what happened… We were watching the European football championship and in the half time there was an Bitcoin ad. Then they immediately asked me if I owned Bitcoin cause they thought if someone in the family would own Bitcoin it would be me. And i had to tell Them I do, didn’t want to lie to Them. Now Lets hope they dont invest because of me or keep laughing when btc goes down. Most family members were saying i was foolish and Being inresponsible, saying they thought i was smarter than this. That’s why i wish i didn’t tell, but otherwise one Day they would have found out anyway and didn’t feel like lying🥺
submitted by /u/Sjors22-
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