Thought this might be cool for the r/cc archives! 6 months ago u/poopymcpoppy12 and I made a bet here (archived here).
Essentially, our wager was based on Chainlink versus Nano over the next 6 months. At the time, Chainlink was $12.56, while Nano was $1.09. In the spirit of “put your Moons where your mouth is”, we agreed that the winner would get 10,000 Moons from the other. So what happened? Well..
Starting point is the price at December 28th for both, end point is June 28th for both. Chainlink went to $18.86, Nano went to $4.89.
I’m glad to see that u/poopymcpoppy12 also gained, since Chainlink is up since then, but fortunately for me Nano has increased in price more, percentage-wise. Luckily, Poopy has 17k Moons (source) so they can settle the bet.
As far as I know, this is the biggest Moons wager that has been placed so far, and I personally find it pretty fun that I was involved in it (and that I won, of course). u/poopymcpoppy12 has settled the bet in the meantime – they’ve immortalised themselves by honoring the bet. Scroll down in the thread to give them some sweet karma to hopefully regain some of those moons.
If anyone wants engage in a new wager I’m always up for it!
submitted by /u/SenatusSPQR
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