So the regulatory grip is tightening around the world and it’s getting more and more absurd. We as crypto supporters need to come together and should wipe off the tribalism. If governments want to make anonymous wallets illegal it only means one thing: Crypto owners being forced to deposit their holdings on „identifiable“ wallets, which are usually only available on exchanges (= the new banks?) These are places where authorities are able to have a detailed look at your holdings and even have the possibility to confiscate your holdings or block you for whatever reason they have. Being the only person who has complete control over your own crypto assets was and is the main argument for crypto and the ultimate form of freedom. There’re already existing KYC/AML rules on exchanges which is fair enough, but forcing people to get rid of their private wallets is outrageous! I urge everyone to have a look at your country’s plans and to contact politicians who are responsible for these topics. If we don’t do anything against this, regulation will kill all the innovation and freedom we’ve achieved so far …
Edit: one source
submitted by /u/c0mm0ns3ns3
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