Yesterday there was a pump and dump post using incredibly poor TA to try and sucker people into pumping the price of bitcoin in September.
This post falsely claimed that what we were seeing was a highly bullish stegasaurs under a rainbow pattern, one of the most commonly pushed TA readings ahead of any crypto winter. I saw market manipulators and whales shilling the stego narrative and ordering people to DCA ahead of the major crash in our last bullrun, our “friend” is either a deliberate shill, or this is their first rodeo. Let me demonstrate why
They drew from Binance’s USDT to BTC chart to show the below TA
You’ll notice he included November and December’s data in order to argue for a head and spine pattern. But what else does this remind you of? That’s right. Sure he might have hid it under decorative lines, but Zoom in just a little and it’s obvious to anybody who already owns a lambo. What we are seeing here is a crudely drawn Bart Simpson. There’s no question about it.
What this market manipulator has referred to as ‘spines’ are really Matt Groening early 90’s hair peaks, the start of an inevitable crudely drawn skateboard market.
Emergence of an obvious crudely drawn Bart Simpson with approaching skateboard market
Need more evidence? Have a 5 second look at Tulip Bulb mania and tell me you don’t see EXACTLY what the whales don’t want you to see.
We’ve been here before, history repeats itself
Remember, this is not financial advice, but don’t let these whales manipulate you
submitted by /u/chance_waters
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