To anybody out there with a credit card debt please make sure you clear this up before you start investing into crypto. It’s kind of counterproductive to invest in something when you already have an outstanding debt.
I know it can be like pulling teeth trying to pay this down and pay it off but the sooner you do you’ll have more money to invest into crypto and your gains will be that much more real. The gains that you make off your crypto will be overwhelmed by the interest you’re paying on your credit card in most cases.
Now I’m not saying don’t invest into crypto what I’m trying to say is maybe put a bigger portion into paying off your debt while a small portion is going into your investment.
The soon you do this, the closer you will be to financial freedom, this leaving you more money to invest.
Edit: I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice do as you wish with your money.
submitted by /u/GetEmDaddy902
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