we are in a crab market and will continue to be until we definitively break out of the 30-40k BTC range. It doesn’t matter what your specific alts do because they are still majorly influenced by daddy BTC. Algo has a cool consensus mechanism and some partnerships but it’s wildly overshilled here and is far from a sure thing in the next several years. The vast majority of people here will get absolutely dumped on by whales/mods in the near future when it comes to moons. It’s only going to get harder for regular posters to earn them as distribution continues and more people continue to shit post. Selling isn’t just for paper handed people or non-believers. Recognizing profits is never a bad thing and the majority of individuals here who post shit like “diamond hands” or “just hodl for years” probably have less than a few thousand dollars invested. If you are in the green and want to leave with more money than you started, by all means do so – good for you!
submitted by /u/Odysseus_Lannister
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