I love Crypto, I believe in the tech (except for shitcoins, fuck those asses) and i hold some myself.
However, this sub is sometimes acting like a cult.
Someones critizies Crypto? Shitstorm and insults. Whole posts about one person on the front page. E.g. Warren after the call to regulate Crypto. Or the whole BTC is bad for environment stuff. There is some legitimate criticism in there. And yet this sub ignores that part and starts screaming. It’s like every shitcoin sub, but with Crypto in General.
Same with the EU regulations. Or the whole XMR is used for Crimes. Funnily enough some people in here want to keep Crypto anonymous while saying that Crypto can help with transparency in politics by tracking transactions. Like … what?
Crypto is not perfect. Let people critizise it to make it better. Don’t bully them out. You are giving Crypto a bad look and driving people away from it. You are making it so easy for anyone saying Crypto is bad. “Why else would they react like that to valid criticism?”. Just bring forth arguments. Call your representatives in a calm respectful manner and tell them what you think and give them arguments. Nobody ever made the world better by insulting and bullying people. Be better.
PS: It’s not helping to delete this thread. It just kinda proves my point.
submitted by /u/robinhood1596
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