Thanks to u/meeleen223 for inspiration.
The idea of this post is to try to estimate how Moons to Karma ratio would look like, were we to distribute the Moons on a day-to-day basis.
Methods and results
To estimate daily karma earned, I simply used one of my more pessimistic ensemble models (described in more detail in my prior post [1]), but this time I applied it to every individual Daily rather than to whole Moon Round of Dailies.
To simulate the daily Moons distribution I run a few simulations and discovered that:
initial Day 1 Round 1 distribution to contributors would be equal to 9.038e+04 Moons daily % decrease in Moons distributed would be equal to 9.038e-04 %
Daily Moons to Karma ratio estimate is then easy: Daily Moons distribution / Daily Karma earned estimate.
I have to clarify that Daily Moons to Karma ratio is not the same metric as Round Moons to Karma ratio. You can calculate Round ratio by averaging all Daily ratios for a particular Moon Round from chart [c03]. This is also the reason, why we don’t yet know the true Round 16 Moons to Karma ratio.
I now like the number 9.038 for some reason.
Bonus charts
Let’s make sure that charts [c01, c03] are at least approximately believable.
Finally, let’s plot [c03] using logarithmic scaling for vertical axis.
[1] My prior post about predictive model test
[2] My prior post about how Moon Round 16 seems to prefer Quality over Quantity
submitted by /u/pc1e0
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