The U.S. Senate is beginning its final deliberations on a “must-pass” bipartisan infrastructure bill. However you feel about the bill, a few senators have included language having nothing to do with infrastructure – and this language could crush the crypto industry. If passed and signed into law, this bill would dramatically expand U.S. government surveillance over the entire crypto ecosystem.
Fortunately, Senators Wyden, Toomey and Lummis have introduced amendments that would fix the language and clarify that the expansion of the definition of a “broker” doesn’t apply to open source software developers or validators like miners or stakers.
Help us preserve financial privacy and independence in crypto. Make your voice heard! Call 517-200-9518 and you’ll be automatically connected to your senator.
Tell them:
“Hi, I’m calling to ask that you support Senator Toomey, Wyden and Lummis’ amendment to the cryptocurrency provision of the infrastructure bill (H.R. 3684). Toomey’s amendment will ensure that the provision does not dramatically expand financial surveillance, harm innovation, or undermine human rights. Policies that impact basic freedom and the future of the Internet should be debated carefully and should never be attached to must-pass bills. Thank you.”
Edit: adding resources for information.
submitted by /u/BrigadierAngus
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