I know that i’m talking to a brick wall here so i’ll keep it short and sweet.
reddit is something like the 7th most popular website in the world and is an extremely politically-charged, curated and censored publisher platform. The simple fact that if your account is banned for any number of “wrong-think” issues, You will not be able to claim the tokens that reddit says it has awarded to you should be all the reason needed to not support this kind of centralized garbage.
Do whatever you like, But don’t for one second think that supporting this token is any different than supporting something like a Facebook Coin, or a Google Coin, Amazon Coin ect. You’re supporting a mega-corp mentality that promotes centralized control, censorship and curated “content” to push various agendas. Basically EVERYTHING that flies in the face of what crypto is supposed to represent.
And just so we’re clear, I have no vault and no desire to get any of these garbage tokens.
submitted by /u/Hysterical-leftists
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