Hi im from El Salvador Here’s another Salvadoran update on BTC law:
Be prepared for lift off because in exactly one month El Salvador’s “Bitcoin Law” will be effective.
The Law was passed by the Legislative Assembly on June 8 giving Bitcoin the status of legal tender.
Some informative points on the law:
Every adult citizen of El Salvador will receive $30 worth of BTC when they download and register on the gov crypto app.
Use of Bitcoin is optional not mandatory for the people (however company’s will have to mandatorily accept BTC as payment)
Salaries and pension will be continued to be paid in usd.
Anyone that is being paid in BTC can automatically receive their money in usd.
One of the key drivers of the law is to help people sending remittances back to El Salvador, as the payments typically suffer from high transaction and commission costs
Transactions in BTC are under Layer 2 Scaling Solutions.. much faster 🙂
Anyone ready to invest 3 Bitcoin in the countries economy will be granted immediate permanent residency
Capital gains on Bitcoin will not be taxed
My little El Salvador let’s hope you make the grade…
submitted by /u/DaisyMirolin
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