As of right now, one Moon is worth 0.26 USD. This is absolutely huge! I live in Brazil and a dollar is worth 5.23 BRL. Our minimum wage here is about 1.31 USD/hour here (1100 BRL/month).
There are people in this subreddit earning more than some families do in Brazil and this is amazing. We are living in a truly different moment in history and we are the ones that got here first.
Crypto has been part of my life for the past year or so and I believe fully in its potential to change the world for the better. I’m very grateful for being part of this community and having access to this knowledge. And I hope you guys are too.
I’m sure there are lots of people putting food on their tables thanks to this subreddit and to MOONs. So yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for all of this!
Have a good one guys.
submitted by /u/psyco_
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