Now that round 16 of Moon distribution is complete, you may be asking yourself questions like:
“How does my Moon bag compare to the rest of the sub?”
“Do I need to find new friends now?”
“Am I still the kind of person who eats at Taco Bell?”
I did a quantitative analysis of all the moon hodlers to answer these questions as well as some other interesting facts about the scarcity of Moons and the distribution of Moon power amongst users. If you are a numbers geek like me then you may find this interesting.
Everybody has a pretty good sense that there is a small group of Redditors who hold ginormous quantities of Moons, and then a much larger block of us regular people, but how would you quantify what a ginormous quantity of Moons even is? The first thing to know is how many Moons are currently in supply. As of round 16, there are now 72,082,357 Moons in the supply. This doesn’t count Moons that are in the Admin wallet; this is just individual redditors. Those 72M Moons are spread across 98,648 separate wallet addresses, so almost 100K people hold the moons. This is almost 6000 more addresses than there were after round 15, so that’s about how many new people opened their wallets in the last month!
So the first thing you should know about your Moon bag: You’re one of about 100K people on the planet that own any Moons, which is about .001% of the world population. Classy!
The number of people who have fewer moons than you do, divided by the total number of Moon addresses, tells you your percentile ranking. You hear about “1%” in society, which really means they are in the 99th percentile in terms of whatever metric (income, etc). Well, among Moon holders, the top of the top are the 0.01%, in other words people who have more moons than 99.99% of everybody. How many Moons does it take to be in the top .01% you ask?
It takes 561,000 Moons to be in the .01% club
There are only 9 accounts in the .01%. If you meet one in real life, try not to make eye contact, I hear they don’t like that.
The .01% is pretty unachievable of course by almost everybody else, but don’t despair! Every Moon is precious and it turns out you don’t need that many to be near the top of the class.
If you wanted to be in the 1%, or in other words have more moons than 99% of the people who have Moons, how many would you need then?
You’d only need 5052 Moons to be in the 1%
I know, 5000 Moons still sounds like a lot to most of us, but that’s a pretty steep curve from 560K down. In fact, here’s a graph of it, with “Number of Moons” plotted on a Log scale to make it easier to interpret:
Now that we are down in the “thousands of Moons” range, it gets interesting to see where most of the people are.
As you can see from the graph, if you have 100 Moons, then you’re in about 20,000th place, so in other words you are in about the top 20% (to be precise, 100 Moons puts you in the 79.9793% percentile). Look at you, 100-Moon-club, a solid B!
Here are some other highlights:
If you have 355.98 or more Moons, you are in the top 10%
Just a mere 61 Moons puts you in the top 25%
Half of all Moon Hodlers have less than 9.29 Moons!
25% of Moon holders have less than 1 Moon
That’s right! If you have just 10 Moons, you have more moons than half the people with Moons! I find that remarkable.
What does all this mean?
It just goes to show you that every Moon is precious, and you should feel good about however many you’ve got. Have a great day cc!
EDIT: I forgot to mention the 1000 Moon club! If you have 1000 Moons, you are in the 95.4% percentile. To be in the top 5% presently requires 907 Moons.
EDIT 2: Wow, thank you for the awards!
submitted by /u/mjrice
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