The moons are just reflection of your behavior here. It doesn’t take much to be a better...
Day: August 14, 2021
Forbes – Institutional Money Is Pouring Into The Crypto Market And Its Only Going To Grow
1 min read
submitted by /u/thespearagain [link] [comments]
Preface: IOTA is more than a crypto-currency. It is a complete overhaul of known distributed ledger technology...
Are u open with your (non-crypto)friends and family on how much you have profit/loss in crypto
1 min read
Are u open with your (non-crypto)friends and family on how much you have profit/loss in crypto. For...
Hello everyone. We are WeNano. We are excited to be able to engage one of the largest...
I know thousands of posts have been made about him but i havent seen anyone say this,...
I’d like start with the fact that I don’t really have a whole lot of money, I’m...
Now before you say “I jinxed it” or, for you bears out there: “tHiS isN’t eVeN a...
My partner is constantly getting annoyed with me going on about crypto and me watching crypto news,...
Hello all! We hear a lot of times the importance of Tokenomics and doing your own research...