Brace yourselves, everyone! In the last two weeks, we have seen the crypto GREED index wake from its slumber and push upwards, ever so slightly.
The Fear and Greed index measures fear, or a worry about the movement of the market, and greed, which means people are gobbling up as much crypto as they can. A few things are going to start happening:
Your coins are going to go up!
Other coins are going to go up EVEN MOR!! Don’t let FOMO, fear of missing out, push you out of a slow, but profitable position into a potentially fatal one. Emotions have no place in investing.
Fear Uncertainty and Doubt, or FUD, is also going to start creeping its way into the news cycle as large institutional investors and big fat whales are trying to keep the prices low. Don’t fall for their slippery tactics and continue to follow your own personal investment plan.
Corrections will come. These could be small or devastating, and no one knows which or when. The best thing to do to avoid getting caught with your pants around your ankles is to follow your plan! I know you have a plan, because you’ve done your own research like everybody told you. Right?
While the GREED is not ramped up to its max right now, it looks like it is on the move and is coming after anyone with weak composure. Stay safe out there!
submitted by /u/mironawire
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