Go to school 12 years; Get a loan to pay university that you might take a lifetime to pay; Get a job 9-5; Get a loan to buy a house that you might take a lifetime to pay; Do a 401k or something similar in order to prepare your retirement; Pay your taxes and bills quietly; Give the extra 15$ that you spare per month to a bank, bankers are our friends and will make you earn good interests;
But! Whatever you do, don’t buy Bitcoin! Bitcoin is risky and volatile and it’s used by criminals and terrorists and consumes almost all the energy of the world. You might lose all your money. It has no value whatsoever, it’s backed by nothing and can’t be used in anything.
TL;DR: you might look the keys for your schakles all life long, only to find they were in your pocket since the beginning.
submitted by /u/Alleeeexx
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