I heard people gave moons like candy when they were just a penny each, but now a moon is literally $0.30 and people are still giving moons like candy.
I shall name and praise; u/rorowhat and u/Xrporbust, thank you for sending me 1 moon each! All the moons you tipped are helping people getting more accustomed to this sub and feeling more like a part of the community.
We need more people like this and I hope I get enough moons from my contributions to do the same. Spread the crypto-y goodness đŸ™‚
Edit holy shit guys this blew up! u/jtdolla911 thanks for the 10 moons. I’ll pay it forward, I’ll donate to some zero mooners here đŸ™‚
Edit 2 just did my first 5! Feels good.
to u/EmotionalAccounting, u/ozitguy, u/mohoq1, u/DomiekNSFW, u/WillShowBoobs4Moons
submitted by /u/DrankTooMuchTequila
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