For reference before anyone asks about my account being 21 days old
I lost my original account, u/captainwelfare because of some archaic nonsense, where if you sign up for an account on Reddit on the phone, it doesn’t require an email back up. Of course, after 6 months of being auto logged in, I randomly got logged out, couldn’t remember my password, and had no retrieval option. Here’s my post about it, and how I retrieved my vault:
Now then, what you are really here for:
Yup, whale hello there! While my old account was about 6 months old, I didn’t start posting in r/cc until about 4 months ago. The first month I earned 555 moons. Was pretty exciting. So I thought to myself, how can I make more moons?
Note :This post is -not- about the math of how moons are made. For that, you should check out u/amandamichelle90 ‘s post on topic
Bring a towel, it’s super hawt.
Apparently only 2% of r/cc users have an open vault. And less than 1% of them have more than 1k moons. So that makes me a whale! Who knew? Well, I wasn’t trying to become one, but become one I did,so, without further ado:
Here are the steps of how to become a moon whale
1. Don’t be a dick
Yeah, there’s having disagreements, and sometimes people will support a contrarion belief, but we are all people here. Nobody has time for pieces of crap. Also, check out r/lazymoons for sniping moonbots
2. Post early, post often, and post *quality*
Spam bots don’t do as well as you might think. The easiest and most surefire way to raise karma on here is to comment early on people’s posts with something either supportive or humorous. Also if you see someone getting a lot of upvotes, might be a good idea to say something positive about their comment.
3. Speaking of spam bots, downvote and report the fuckers
If something is clearly spam, there is a report button for a reason.
4. Dig deep you cheap bastard and buy the $5 sub support
You get access to nifty tags for yourself, support this awesome sub, and get access to all sorts of nifty gifs. People love gifs. $5 to possibly get a few hundred extra moons? Hell yes.
5. Post 3 quality posts a day.
More than 3 and you get a spam warning. Not sure what the threshold is that gets your posts removed, but try to stay within the rules. Sooner or later you’ll hit pay dirt. I average 1-2 posts a month that get north of 500 upvotes. I’m going to guess this will be my one for this month, lol.
6. Don’t waste your time being a serial downvoted piece of shit
It’s serious a huge waste of time and probably helps your moon count by less than .0001 moons a month, if that. AND it hurts people who are working hard.
7. Make friends and allies.
Gaining moons isn’t a lone venture. Whether it’s calling each other to quality posts, shout outs in the daily, or a short love fest between your crew, moons will add up. Just don’t start an upvote part. No. Stoppit
8. Give swank awards
It’s just a nice thing to do, and it will bring attention to people who are trying hard too.
9. HODL.
You get a 20% HODL bonus for your distribution if you hold your moons from prior round. NOTE: You can give out up to 100 moons a month as tips that do NOT affect your hodl bonus
Seriously, I almost lost 13k moons because of losing my main. This is the price of crypto and being your own bank. Have backups people. And have backups of your backup.
Welp, that’s pretty much it. If you have any useful moonfarming that isnt being douchey, then feel free to post below. Happy farming fellow mooners!
submitted by /u/Captainwelfare2
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