1 The shitbrainer – buys shitcoins, knows shit about crypto, keeps hodling the shitcoin 2 The stoic...
Day: August 23, 2021
This is why you DON’T need to sell your initial investment. (at least not a must, I did the meth)
3 min read
So, a few days ago, someone posted a self-storie saying that he/she had already double his initial...
Tell me a joke about crypto that makes me laugh. It can be anything, a pun, a...
ADAX.PRO is a team of people supposedly working on a new DeFi project for the Cardano ecosystem,...
Visa Makes Their Grand Entrance Into the NFT Arena With a $150,000 Cryptopunk NFT Art Purchase
1 min read
submitted by /u/VastBlast [link] [comments]
As the market surges and sentiment begins to turn bullish I would like to remind everyone in...
u/OldEntertainment9570 has spammed the daily thread today more than 500 times in 16 hours. They are on...
submitted by /u/BariBrunton [link] [comments]
About 3 weeks ago I moved my crypto off Binance after reading about the changes coming for...
I saw this article from Yahoo Finance and I’m curious about how NFTs will affect the music,...