1 The shitbrainer – buys shitcoins, knows shit about crypto, keeps hodling the shitcoin
2 The stoic – DCA – HODL, 3 different ATHs reached already, still DCA – HODL
3 The twitchy – Looking at charts every 5 minutes, daytrading, tries to DCA once, but can’t keep it, because has to sell and rebuy fast
4 Profit taker – DCAs, swing trades a little, takes profit once in a while, but never takes out their whole investments, reinvests again
5 The skinflint – stopped all their bad habits which costs them fiat like smoking/ bubblegum chewing / showering every day / […] to have more to invest in crypto, participates in every shitty airdrop events, uses Brave browser to farm, shitposting with at least 800 comments per day, exhausts all the posting limit of 3 per day
6 The Husband or the wife – Your crypto, but our gains
7 The follower – does everything their influencer says, also likes FOMO and tatooing the coin emblem on legs and butt
8 The Lucky – got very early in a coin which went to the moon few years later
9 DIY quick buck – making their own token, rug pull when profitable calling it “family emergency”
10 Hard Lesson – a person who has passes all steps 1 to 9 once in their crypto life leading them to either A) DCA+HODL+BEING HAPPY or B) leaving crypto space forever+BEING UNHAPPY
You come up with another category?
I’m number 10 A btw, just except that ass tatoo thing.
EDIT1: The poser: posts on r/cc all day. Preaches DCA and HODL. But really only has about 30$ invested. u/KasparThePissed
EDIT2: the hype beast- someone who only chases coins after they’ve 2-3x’d and makes it their mission to make others try to keep buying
the eeyore: someone who has been “watching” crypto for years but never pulled the trigger and now thinks it’s too late for them so they’re sad about missing out. u/Odysseus_Lannister
EDIT3: The Mooner: Chases moonshots left and right. Confuses DYOR with Dior. u/pbjclimbing
submitted by /u/LisHere321
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