I learn more from the people that see the world differently than I do in compared to the humans I call “friends”. I listen more to the individual that tells me my investment in crypto is shit more than the masses who tell me what I want to hear. Why? Because I want to fathom why that one person can’t see something the way I do. Unless, that individual potentially see’s something that I cannot. In a round about way, the antagonists of my life actually help me become better.
If I were to go into the daily chat right now and say “I believe that BTC will drop to 40k tomorrow.” I would be downvoted to oblivion. However, If I were to go into the daily chat right now and say “I believe that BTC will pump to 60k by the end of the week.” I might receive an upvote or two.
This is the direction the sub is headed, permanently. This is not ok. If we ever to expect ourselves to grow as a community, to evolve together, then we need to allow others share not -so -popular opinions from time time. We must avoid becoming an echo chamber out of the fear of loosing moons.
Thank you for your time.
submitted by /u/CMADBF
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