If you’re a frequent visitor, you know this has been a long time coming, but this post serves as a reminder as well as an announcement for new readers.
Effective tomorrow at noon, r/CryptoCurrency is rebranding and merging with r/unpopularopinion so you don’t need to keep typing “Unpopular opinion: ” in the title for every other post. So now you can discuss how stubbing your toe might not actually be the best thing in the world and get 6 million upvotes for it.
New rule
This merge introduces a new rule: unpopular opinions may only be posted if they’re incredibly popular. This includes brave opinions like “crypto good.” The other types of posts that will be allowed are factual statements like “unpopular opinion: bitcoin and vitalik buterin are not the same thing” and popular predictions like “unpopular opinion: bitcoin might go up in price at some point in its existence.”
Again, no opinions allowed. Especially unpopular ones. That’s it for now, enjoy the new sub! You have yourself to thank for this.
submitted by /u/Deeyennay
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