To my fellow 9-5 worker who busts their ass in an underpayed job, for those who already have money and invest and for those who work in i humane conditions and still manage to put some money into crypto, we are going to be rewarded, I’m a 2017 investor, made dumb decisions and good decisions, but what I can tell you si I’ve never EVER seen this level of adoption and growth, yes we complain about ethereum fees, but only thing fees let us know is that this is ETH season, fees are high due to demand, HODL please I beg you, people fail to realize this but with El Salvador stepping it’s just a matter of time, people are realizing, let’s keep people informed and educated and well all have maybe not lambo, but we will live happy and without having to assume debt to buy a home where to live, love you guys and don’t forget to DCA till you die!
submitted by /u/Edgarjosue1
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