Don’t listen to people who act like because they’ve been in crypto for many years they know anything about anything. They don’t know sh*t about f*ck.
Like seriously, when I see posts like this one, I just can’t believe it:
I’ve been in crypto for many years. When I mean many years I mean I saw bitcoin at 300usd and eth at under 10usd. I’ve been through a bull and bear market.
Lol seriously? These are your qualifications? I bought bitcoin way below $300 and I wouldn’t claim I know sh*t about f*ck. Because I don’t know sh*t about f*ck. /r/bitcoin was just as dumb as it is now in 2014-2015, people already had no clue what they were doing but were confident about it. It was already a sh*tton of hopium, FOMO, and the usual cr*p.
Think of it that way. Suppose you go to the casino, and you meet some creepy guy at the door being like “dude, I’ve had a gambling addiction for five years, I can give you good advice about how to make money”. Would you trust him? Of course you wouldn’t. Because it’s obvious he doesn’t know sh*t about f*ck.
Well it’s the same here. Old-timers, newcomers. Nobody knows sh*t about f*ck.
submitted by /u/loulan
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