Anyone with even a penny invested in the shittiest shitcoin, give yourself a pat on the back.
You are literally the smartest person in your entire cohort.
Don’t have friends? Guess what buddy, you don’t need em’. It’s not like they would be able to have an intelligent conversation with you anyway, right?
I’d go as far to say if you DON’T have anything invested in crypto, you’re a certified troglodyte in my eyes.
There’s actual real life mole people digging in the dirt looking for disgusting “precious metals” assuming we can’t just create more of them with our pure combined intelligence.
Fiat lovers gtfo. I wipe my ass with fiat. I’ve got rolls of hundreds of different kinds of currency and they all cause mad hemorrhoid’s. (Canadian dollars make my ass smell like maple though so that’s a plus).
Don’t let anyone tell you you’re ever wrong, you literally win any argument by default you beautiful genius.
submitted by /u/shlammyjohnson
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