I feel like no one even reads posts anymore. I recently wrote a short opinion post, not more than 200 words, and over half the comments only referenced the title. Wtf. I get that the sub is different now with moon farmers, but still, is there no effort here anymore? Maybe there needs to be an auto lock on every post for the first 5 minutes or something to prevent the people who comment after only reading the title. Or maybe I’ll just stop titling posts. Idk what the solution is, but it sucks and I for one can’t wait until moon farming becomes unprofitable. I’m willing to bet that more than a few people will comment something about the title here that’s totally unrelated to the body of the post.
ETA: If you agree or disagree with the proposal, I posted a poll in the meta sub. Please vote and if there’s enough support, I’ll make an official proposal for next distribution.
submitted by /u/alexb_090
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