Ever since I joined this plce, there was one thing this sub agreed on — “buy high, sell low.” Under every second post, hugely upvoted and usually followed by “this is the way” or “one of us”.
It didn’t make much sense to me at first, but neither did blockchain. So what do I know, I’m no expert trader. I started small.
When the price was sufficiently high, I bought some and waited for the price to go down. I sold. After quick math, I noticed I was at a loss — must have been fees.
I decided to try with a larger amount and there just happened to be ADA ATH. I bought. Then crash. I sold.
I did exactly like you said and I’m somehow losing money? Wtf, reddit??? I don’t know, I’ll try a couple more times, but that’s it!
Is “buy high, sell low” even a real strategy? Has it worked for anyone? And don’t tell me I should have gone with the “DCA” joke!
submitted by /u/inevitable_username
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