Let me start off by saying I realize being “poor” is subjective. I can barely wrap my head around the thought of “what if I have been putting into Bitcoin, what I have been putting into my retirement”. I know, I know we all wish we would have bought $100 of Bitcoin when it was at $0.01, and there may be some people here that did. Did you hold it? Did you lose it?
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice… you’re not gonna fool me again.” -George W Bush
I have now been steadily investing in Crypto along with a 401k. I don’t invest more than I’m willing to lose, so no worries. I absolutely will not miss the next Bitcoin train. I will be riding it as far as it will take me. To the moon? To the sun? To the center of the earth? We will see, either way I’m in and I hope you are able to be in also. No matter what Coin you like, invest in what you believe in. Hopefully we are all early enough to dramatically change our future.
submitted by /u/Drewfus_
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