As the title says. Im into crypto for one year but I still feel like a noob. I dont think Im stupid or anyhing else, but need more time because there is a lot to learn here.
God knows I tried. Short trading, daily trading, medium trading. Trying to preddict the price never worked for me and in 90% of the time when I sold, I would always stay locked on my phone checking the prices every 10-15 minutes.When Im outside with my friends I would check the prices untill the battery dries out. Ofc as many of you when I sell price goes up more, when I buy prices goes down and it was like a vicious circle.
I figured out that I should just buy, hold and rebuy if I trully believe in the coin project because that way is stress free for me. I know I should start doing the trading more often and learn how to control myaelf but at this point I feel safe in the HODL bubble.
submitted by /u/UnexperiencedIT
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