Here’s a tweet from the company’s President mentioning the upcoming offering:
Also found a video regarding the upcoming offering.
The site has a paywall, so I didn’t watch the video (maybe one of you in here has access and can share more details), but the snippet below mentions that the St. Regis in Aspen, Colorado has already been tokenized on Tezos.
Specifically, his company “utilized the Tezos blockchain to tokenize the St. Regis Aspen Resort and partnered with tZERO, a distributed ledger platform and subsidiary of Overstock, to enable the trading of the AspenDigital token.” There appears to be an affiliated website here.
Not sure if the new tokenized offering launching on Sep. 21 is for the St. Regis in Aspen or for other real estate assets. Regardless, should be fun to watch 🙂
Love seeing tokenized real estate become a reality on Tezos.
Tezos is slowly taking over the STO market (Security token offering)
A new tweet by Cointelegraph consulting illustrates the big growth in Tezos based STO´s. Ethereum is the biggest STO platform, but Tezos is coming closer every year, being the 2nd biggest by a very large margin. Real estate in the hundreds of millions have already been tokenized on Tezos, with at least $4 Billion announced. More than 20 companies have plans to launch STO´s using the Tezos blockchain as the underlying infrastructure. Tezos has some of the most sophistacted smart contracts and token standards, like the NYX standard, which is a set of smart contracts that are regulatory approven in many countries.
Elevated Returns have recently gotten the green light from the SEC in Thailand to launch STO´s, and will build an STO exchange on top of Tezos. They plan to tokenize $1 Billion worth of real estate in the coming years. The biggest investment bank in South America, BTG Pactual have similar plans. Societe Generale are also tokenizing on Tezos. BNP Paribas, the biggest bank in France are rumored to have similar plans, as they are working directly with the main team working on Tezos.
No other blockchain even come close to Ethereum and Tezos in terms of STO´s. STO´s are predicted by many to become a Trillion dollar market. As the global valuation of real estate is extremely high. Tezos is basically capturing a large market share in the biggest market in the world, Real estate. CEO of Tokensoft, a platform to buy STO´s, believes that 30-40% of all STO they offer in the future will be on the Tezos blockchain. In 2021, Tezos STO´s have grown even more so far, with several new companies announcing they will use Tezos like Sol RE, which have launched tokenized real estate in Arizona.
Some of the companies planning to use Tezos for STO´s: Vertalo, Tzero, Tokensoft, Fundament, Baanx, Dealbox, Alliance Investment, Elevated returns, Dalma capital, Andra capital, Securitize, Globacap, Equisafe, REI Capital, Sol RE, Sword Group, The blockhcain group, coinhouse, Diginex, smart crowd, Society generale
submitted by /u/phan_ngt
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