In the words of inspector Callahan, opinions are like assholes — everybody has one. So here’s mine.
For those who just came out of a coma — after an attack, the entire Solana blockchain was paused for about 17 hours. No tx possible. Billions of dollars locked in DeFi were not accessible.
The mere fact that a blockchain can be kill-switched just like that defeats its purpose — it’s not very different from your bank account where your funds can be frozen.
Then, for a coin to stay that high up, it needs HUGE money going in continuously.
At the moment, I can’t honestly imagine how an investor with hundreds of thousands of dollars, choosing a blockchain to DeFi, lp, farm or whatever, after some basic research goes with Solana.
Projects of this magnitude don’t get to mess up like that and then go “it won’t happen again, we cool?”
submitted by /u/inevitable_username
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