Almost everyday someone claims that they got scammed, that hackers “hacked” their wallets, that it’s unacceptable that they texted metamask support or trust support and they didn’t refund them and so on.
99% of the time, they just gave their seed phrases to a scammer in chat, or they wrote their seed phrases in a scam website.
I just don’t understand how people invest their money without even knowing what they’re doing.
I’m not saying you should get a computer science degree, I’m saying you could just read a random tutorial that explains how wallets and blockchains work.
You all have a bank account and a credit card. I’m sure you learned how to use it before actually using it.
Imagine to give your credit card to a stranger, to tell him your pin code and then to be shocked that your money disappeared from your bank account. Would you say that the bank scammed you? That it’s not your fault at all? That the credit card is not safe?
submitted by /u/Trevigol
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