Here we are again with the bullish charts and hopium. If bitcoin is the creature of habit we expect it to be and wants to shock us with its consistency then we have a pretty incredible 3 months ahead of us to the end of the year.
The cons of this in todays climate is in this succinct outlook from a twitter bear – With the situation in the US (Fed/Tesla/Tether crackdown), China (Evergrande/BTC mining crackdown), El Salvador (civil unrest over BTC), the world ( Delta Covid/exchange crackdowns) all happening at the same time we have some heavy headwinds that this pattern will repeat. But its remarkable the amount of FUD flying around in 2017 at about the same time and then all hell let loose. I wasn’t around in the cryptospace in 2013 so no idea of the FUD at that time if any. The term ‘FUD’ might not even have existed then!
But I believe history will repeat itself and bitcoin will be the star poster child for the chartists and play its role perfectly, and be on its way to see six figures on Xmas day. Alts too getting equally loved.
submitted by /u/TheGreatCryptopo
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