It seems like the website of the Bitcoin foundation ( has been hacked, the domain initially registered by Satoshi Nagamoto has either been hacked or is currently in the hands of malicious actors. A very common Scam method will welcome you when visiting the website. You’d have to send any amount to a specific address in return for double the amount back to your wallet, which obviously won’t happen.
The Bitcoin foundation website as of today.
The total received funds are already 0.402+ BTC. Please be careful and do not trust the website right now. If it’s too good to be true it’s too good to be true. Never send your coins to anyone in hopes of a return. Let’s hope the domain hoster will return the domain to the rightful owners, so unsuspecting visitors of the website won’t fall for this scam.
Analysts will track every movement of the funds in the wallet now. In case the funds will touch any exchange they will most likely be freezed and seized. The hackers will likely use an atomic swap towards Monero to make the funds liquid and to stay anonymous.
submitted by /u/sikeig
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