Hey everyone, hope you’re all doing well today.
With the charts looking relatively green again, I’m wondering, what is life-changing money for you?
For me, it’s simple. Have consistent staking rewards to replace my day to day expenditure. To not worry about whether i can afford basic necessities like food, or standing in the grocery store with my calculator app see if I’ve gone above budget for the week.
I’d also like to share a short story with you guys. Growing up, my parents didn’t have a lot. We weren’t poor, but we had just enough to get by. When i did well in school, my parents would take me and my siblings out to MacDonald’s (i know, not fancy) to treat us to a meal. I absolutely loved it and appreciated that gesture.
One time, i was telling this girl in my class about a funny story from the night before at MacDonald’s with my family. And after i was done sharing the story she goes “that’s where they take you to treat you?” And laughs in a condescending way. I’ll never forget feeling like shit at that. So fuck you, Jenny. I’ll take profits and eat wherever the fuck i want to you fat bitch.
I think i needed to get that off my chest.
So what’s life changing money like for you guys?
submitted by /u/iftttTestAcct
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