Whenever I ask no-coiners how they feel about cryptocurrencies, they always mention that they don’t like them because they don’t think most people would adopt them as currencies. (It’s too volatile to be a currency and etc.)
I really think best and most useful applications of cryptocurrencies are not as currencies. I think currently the most useful projects are projects such as Mirror Protocol, Terra, privacy coins (Monero and Secret Network or any other privacy project with private smart contracts), Ethereum and etc. because all of these projects currently can be used to solve difficult real world problems. Such as owning foreign stocks (Mirror), or having a trustless stablecoin (Terra), financial privacy, money laundering (which I’m not endorsing), trustless asset swaps, and innovative financial apps (Ethereum).
I think all of these use cases can be summarized by the word “cryptoassets”. And I think most people and companies think of bitcoin as an asset anyway.
submitted by /u/Srdtrk
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