You start talking about interests/hobbies, future goals yadda yadda and you run out of things to say, should you resort to talking about crypto currency?
Apparently, only 5% of bitcoin users are women and so the chances of her also being into crypto are rathe low. There is also this tweet, which also has considerable amount of likes and retweets, by Jessica Huseman who says that:
“All I’m saying ladies is that if he brings up bitcoin or blockchain unprompted in the first date there shouldn’t be a second.”
But on the other hand, some of the comments on that tweet are rather postive and speak out agains the message. This got me thinking:
“Maybe my date will be the one that brings the topic up.”
Argh, this is getting so tiresome and maybe you guys can share some of your experiences, if you have any.
submitted by /u/MentalUsurpation
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