submitted by /u/BladeOfNoxus [link] [comments]
Month: September 2021
The amount of awful investment advice I see on this sub is making me question how much...
TWO more minutes to go until we see the effects of Evergrande! If you don’t know the...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
Dear American Citizens. Your Tips and Tricks are appreciated but I live in a first world country.
2 min read
First of all notice the COMEDY tag, even though those are all facts I used the tag...
“Invest only what you can afford to lose” , “Invest the amount of money you can stomach...
I was going to buy in this morning, then I did a bit more researching. This “Evergrande...
Reminder: Migrate Your Moons From L1 to the New L2 Scaling Network if You Haven’t Already
3 min read
If your Moons are in your vault you can ignore this message, this is only for users...
The Evergrande crash has so far caused a decline of 10-15% in the cryptocurrency market, and while...
So many of my friends, family & work colleagues proclaim in despair…. ” if only i had...