submitted by /u/Far-Pie-4360 [link] [comments]
Month: September 2021
In the words of inspector Callahan, opinions are like assholes — everybody has one. So here’s mine....
Charles Hoskinson predicts hundreds of assets running on Cardano, Thousands of DApps and tons of interesting projects...
Dutch politician calls out colleagues in chamber for having ‘a too low IQ’ to understand crypto
1 min read
submitted by /u/lightfingers [link] [comments]
My only friend in the whole wide world just got into crypto because I told him that...
Ok so I wanted to post here to get some feedback on your favorite cryptos you are...
Again and again I have heard the same argument that crypto is great for criminals because it’s...
submitted by /u/Dwez1337 [link] [comments]
One of the (only) advantages to crypto taxes is that it makes me keep very detailed records...
So we all know that too many people are buying blind without knowing what they’re doing and...