ALGO is a lost cause. It has no future and will never be worth more than $2.50 if you’re lucky because of the shit tokenomics.
It is amazing how FAST your favorite shitcoin completes transactions because NO ONE EVER USES IT.
Moons are pointless and have no use case. Sell them now while they’re actually worth something for some stupid reason.
No one gives a flying fuck about NANO anymore.
Tether is totally legit; you’re either just being paranoid or creating FUD.
High gas fees means ETH is ACTUALLY BEING USED. It also means that it’s cheaper and faster to just transfer money with a bank.
Oh, you think because you bought a coin it’s going to dip, and because you sold, it’s going to moon? No. It has nothing to do with you. You are meaningless.
Time in the market > Timing the market? No, you are just stupid and don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.
Nobody gives a fuck about LINK anymore.
Take a break from the charts. We don’t give a shit.
Bitcoin maxis are wearing blinders. Alt coins are equally important.
Alt coins aren’t shit without Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the gold standard upon which all alt coins are valued against.
Your love of hating Elon Musk is what fuels his lithium-ion batteries.
CKB is a pump and dump scamcoin promoted by con-artists. Cardio Kick Boxing will not survive a bear market.
Not your keys, not your coins? Well, if you forget your seed phrase, they’re not your coins either, dumbass.
Wallets, staking, governance, transferring, mining, smart contracts, candlesticks, hard forks, market cap, seed phrases, protocol, TA, FA, halvings, FUD, DeFi, NFT, ETF, FOMO, DEX, APY, DCA, DYOR, USDC, POS, POW, CBDCs…you seriously expect this shit to go mainstream? Good fucking luck!
Maybe China was right all along.
HODL is what we do when we don’t know what to do.
Michael Saylor just wants you to pump his bags.
Everyone that you’ve been seeking advice from on r/Cryptocurrency has invested a grand total of $75 and is 16-19 years old and living in their parent’s basement.
Charles Hoskinson is a lovable teddy bear and/or Rush Limbaugh incarnate.
Vitalik Buterin is the sexiest man in crypto. And that’s not saying much.
Bitcoin may be king, but have you heard about regicide?
You should have put all your money into Ethereum Classic and Bitcoin Cash.
Bulls suck. Bears suck. We all suck.
You only wish you could afford ramen.
Many smart people have made a lot of money with DOGE and SHIB. SHIB is the third most held coin by ETH whales. What’s that all about, huh? Feel stupid because you missed out? You should.
The market cap for all of crypto is less than Apple because the iPhone 13 is more innovative than 5000 invisible coins.
Nobody really uses crypto. It’s not undervalued, it’s overvalued. This is all one big meaningless exercise in futility.
You are not early. You are LATE.
You’ll never be rich. You suck.
Your mother never loved you.
Now it’s your turn. Say something that is actually unpopular, even if you don’t believe in what you say, and we promise not to downvote you.
submitted by /u/lunargrover
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