Its back. Post a coin and we roast it. Shitposters alliance. Gotta get those moons. Hopefully you came up with some original shit. This will be fun. I purposely waited a little while so it didn’t get played out and old. I know I’m rambling on but I got a character limit to meet. Usually these blow up quite a bit so if you’re early to the roast and post some zingers you might be able to rack up a few hundred or thousand moons. Hope everyone is pumped for the distribution tommorow This is a good chance for you to rack up some new moons for the next distribution If you haven’t voted yet in the governance polls go ahead and do that please you will get extra moons and you help support our awesome community!
Edit: This is just for fun and to allow people to have some perspective it can kind of be an echo chamber in here otherwise
submitted by /u/yunggod6966
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