Let’s do some math to determine how many times you would need to downvote in order to earn yourself an extra moon.
The average amount of Moons earned this round was 3.23, with the average karma at 12.
This means that to earn one extra moon, the Moon to karma ratio would have to increase to 0.3525
Since the amount of karma earned this snapshot was 6,038,064, the amount of karma in order to have a 0.3525 ratio would be: 4,611,682.
This means that the average person on this sub would have to downvote 1,426,382 times in order to receive an extra moon.
The moral of the story is that if you are downvoting to try to earn extra moons, stop. This moon manipulation is pointless and disheartening for people who try to post quality content. If a post fits the sub, upvote it. It’s as simple as that.
Edit: And everything is downvoted to oblivion… 😑
submitted by /u/roberthonker
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