So I started investing in august and through averaging down I’m now in the green. And I just realized how complicated it becomes when you are in the green.
A lot of people are saying: ‘Take profits, take profits, you never know when the next dip is’ but this is timing the market which I don’t know how to do. I don’t want to take money out which would exponentially make me lose profits on the way up.
Others are saying: ‘never touch your bags until your target is achieved’ but I wouldn’t want to empty everything as soon as my target is achieved. Yes I’d like to buy a house or a flat at some point in my life and I’m very very far from there right now BUT I won’t empty everything as soon as I have enough for a house. This would be counter productive.
When I’m in the red the solution is easy. Buy, buy, buy so you can average down. Nowadays the feeling of buying is different because I’m buying while already in the profits.
The only solution I found is to think I’m averaging up so that at the next dip I can really average down but it doesn’t make much sense. This is why people blindly dca’ing have a better time. The decision making is very complicated.
What is for you, the most complicated time in the markets???
submitted by /u/Nostalg33k
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