So I’ve been weighing this up for a while and I’ve made the decision to take out a 40k loan with my bank to buy more bitcoin.
A lot of people see this as risky… I don’t at all. $40,000 at 2% interest rate over a 30 year time span where as I’m buying the best performing asset in the past 10 years and will continue to be for years and years to come.
Cathie Wood has projected bitcoin to be 500k within the next 5 years let’s say it even takes 10 years… that means my 40k will be worth around 400k then while my total loan in principal and repayments wouldn’t of gone above 60k so I am miles in front.
What if it goes to zero as some might say? 40k won’t kill me I will be able to recover that and not to have a rope around my neck. But the potential upside? That is life changing for me.
What do you guys think? Would anyone do the same? Cheers 🍻 🚀
EDIT: Just to give people some perspective… the repayments are $163 a month. I think a lot of people here pay a lot more for a car loan and that is for a depreciating asset. $163 a month is a drop in the ocean. A good night out would cost around this if not more. I really don’t understand those who are saying it’s dumb… if you don’t believe bitcoin will be above the current price what it is now why are you even here???
submitted by /u/PUMPSII
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