I can’t be the only one still shocked at the amount of Moon Vaults that are still unopened. I think many on here don’t realise that you can earn moons completely for FREE.
I got into Moons because I was arguing with someone online and they mentioned this somewhere in the conversation and I was like wait WHAT?
You mean I don’t have to purchase anything if I don’t want to and just contribute? Suffice to say, I opened my vault the next day and even had some moons ready to claim.
To anyone that comes across this post, it is super easy to open a vault and be ready to receive moons directly in your wallet. If you spend some time on this Sub Reddit, this is especially for you.
You can be getting paid for some of the things you do on here!
EDIT: Many people are opening up their vaults now, I couldn’t be more happier for you guy’s!!!
submitted by /u/Snoo65810
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