In 2013, a man named James Howells threw away his hard drive containing 7500 bitcoins which he mined from back in the days. Those Bitcoins are estimated to be worth approximately $433.837.500,00 as from today.
James started as early as 2009 and was one of the first persons to mine BTC but eventually stopped because his (ex)girlfriend started complaining about the noise his laptop would make during the process. He sold his laptop on Ebay and stored his hard drive in his desk.
After clearing out his house in 2013 he mistakenly threw away his hard drive which he later found out was the one containing the private keys to his 7500 Bitcoins.
Til this day he firmly believes that he could retrieve the lost hard drive but needs a permission from his local council to search the garbage dump in an attempt to recover his lost keys. Unfortunately James Howells gets a repeated “no” for his request to search out the dump after all these years. His local council states that access is being denied due to environmental concerns without having the guarantee that the lost hard drive will be recovered.
Satoshi Nakamoto quoted the following about lost Bitcoins.
“Lost coins only make everyone else’s coins worth slightly more. Think of it as a donation to everyone.”
Can I get a bold F for our fallen soldier and what would you do in this exact situation?
submitted by /u/relaxxed_
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