So my bank called me today to warn me about the dangers of crypto, how volatile it is, how it’s not backed by government, not legal tender etc etc but they couldn’t of cared less when I was blowing thousands of dollars on dogs and at the casino.
So sick of these morons. Who honestly thinks that they have our best interests at heart? I refuse to accept the premise that society tries to push on us to work our 9-5 jobs, invest in stocks that the banks and governments try to push while they take their cut on the gains anyway.
They even went as far as to suggest to me to save my money and that I would earn some interest off it. I mean what 0.1%?
Can not wait for the day that I can use my crypto as collateral and I won’t have to use banks anymore.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?
submitted by /u/PUMPSII
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