First joined the crypto space during BTC 64K and boy was that a tough ride down, but thanks to this sub and the people here I have learnt to HODL and that my emotions are what will get me in trouble. So I held through my first great fall and it was definitely horrifying.
I am glad I stuck through as my ATH purchases will finally break even. Worry not, I am a sane individual and did DCA in but it is an amazing feeling to see I am finally back where I started. After the experience, my first fall and soldiering through I have come to an understanding of why people absolutely love the bear and the dips. Thinking back, I struck luck to be able to buy some BTC at 28K, 30K and 35K. No one knows if we will be able to see BTC at that price again but I for one am remarkably content to have bought them at that price when we are finally closing in 64K BTC.
For those of you who held like me kudos to you and thanks for HODLing together that made it a lot easier.
Crypto is definitely a great place for an adrenaline junkie like moi.
submitted by /u/Accomplished-Design7
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